Miscrits! Wiki

Welcome to Miscrits Wiki !!

Shurikoon1 Miscrits is a social game developed by, Broken Bulb Studios It is a monster-catching game in which the goal is to capture and train miscrits in order to defeat the evil Apollo Nox.

Wiki Updates

Dark Drowsie

Thank you to everyone who edits! Your contributions and suggestions are very important to this wiki. If you see something that is incorrect or missing information, please feel free to change it.

Enchanted Tiki Island has been released!

Wikia is currently having some issues with editing, image loading, forums, comments... well basically everything. If something isn't working, hold tight and it'll get fixed eventually.


Places VolcanoIslandBGSm-ArenaBGSm-AzureLakeBGSm-Mountain4BGSm-SunfallShores1
Miscrits Icon-FireIcon-WaterIcon-NatureIcon-WindIcon-LightningIcon-Earth
NPCs Magicite Overlord
Elementums Fire ElementumWater ElementumNature ElementumWind ElementumLightning ElementumEarth Elementum
Miscellaneous STATSElementsMISCRIPEDIAIcon-Physical

Game News

Dear Miscrits Wiki Users: First off, I would like to thank each and every person who has contributed to this wiki in my absence. It has been approximately 2 years since I have played this game. I understand that much has changed in that time, and that this wiki needs some updating. Since I don't have the time or the knowledge to keep it current, I've decided to appoint a new head admin. If you think you're up to the task, leave me a message on my message wall and I'll choose the person (or people) I think are best suited.


Administrators Official Pages Other Fan Sites

To Do List

Login or Register to access advanced user tools.

  • Fill in Miscrit pages. A list of pages that need work can be found here
  • Add Skills to the Skills page
  • Update the NPC pages

